"Nothing could ever stand in the way of death, but My God did!"

On Thursday, the 4th of my birth month - February, 2021, I woke up to realize it was the Emergency Ward of Port Moresby General Hospital. And on the second week, it turns out that the same day is my birthday - exactly seven (7) days now from what should have been my deathday/dead-date. Should that be a coincidence?

Photos of My Birthday wishes from LinkedIn connections
 & the two at the top were taken when I was admitted to  
Port Moresby General Hospital on the 3rd of Feb, 2021   

It's creepy going down the path of death; you don't want go there.  Your hair rises, you have goosebumps all over your body. When you get down there you don't come back at all. It is a point of no return! Imagine those corps stored in the freezing mortuary at Port Moresby General Hospital right now? Would you dare wish to go have a try out for real at the stinky, dark & frosty-bound there? Surely NOT! But then one day, we will all end up at the place! For me, it was not just the right timing then on Thursday. I couldn't go yet!

In the world where we live, a lot of things aren't the same for everyone; paradise is not everywhere. I never for once thought to imagine what it's like in the minds of those on wheelchair and on life-support. I could never know the hunger within those who've lost all their strengths and can't talk, walk and do things on their own until I was there myself. It feels so different!

Around 08:00pm on the 4th of February, I could feel my whole body dying so fast! Wouldn't it be strange? I never felt any abnormalities in my whole body before the incident. But there was a huge numbness that spread so fast all over. Both my arms and legs couldn't move. My Jaws (upper & lower) came hard towards each other and my mouth was about to shut! I could feel my tongue travelling backwards in the windpipe. Yes, I could feel it right in my bones that I was just an inch away from death. But all the Thanks and Praises to my GOD that  I clearly didn't die! 

This morning (11/02/2020), seven days after what happened on Wednesday last week, I opened up my PC to realize about more than forty notifications from my LinkedIn connections. All the way from the start down, it was just one phrase; 'Happy Birth Day.' Having received all these birthday wishes had me thinking, 'if I have had gone on that day last week it would definitely be a funeral today.' 

Being young and just graduated - yet to experience a lot of things, but died so soon would definitely leave my friends, my relatives and my connection friends so sad and broken. When death was fast approaching, it put me at a fair stance to realize that everything I once held so dear in this world would all be useless after I am gone. It became so real at this point that death comes to everyone. Well, it's all true. When we look at our youthfulness, that muscular body in a good health, career plans and other future focuses, it makes us forget thoroughly that we're mere mortals. 

It doesn't matter you're sick or in good health, death comes to everyone. What you have worked so hard and attained and those you have in plan to do never stands in its way. Today, I am so thankful for what happened to me then and forever I will be thankful as long as I live. Having a near-death experience gave me a new sight; a sight to see lots of things in a whole different way! I nearly died, but I am not dead. The death was closing in so fast, but my God of All-knowing stood in its way. He reversed death and gave me a life of fresh hope and renewed strength.

My GOD knows and He didn't want me being the same person turning another year older. Well,  a sad reality is that turning another year older means yet another year is removed off of the total number of years to live on earth. He wanted me to be a different person; a person who have experienced a glimpse of death and live the remaining span of life with new sight of hope and dependent on him who gives it all. I am happy that I just turned another year older. BUT ALL THAT I AM HAPPY FOR IS  TO HAVE THE LORD OF HOST STILL MY GOD!



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